13 Apr. 2015

Not too many words to this. I was searching for quick solution to draw a debug rectangle (ok many rectangles for pathfinding debugging) in Unity3D and found nothing on the internet.

Its as easy as follows:

void DebugDrawColoredRectangle(Vector3 position, float size, Color color)
Debug.DrawLine(position, new Vector3(position.x + size, position.y, position.z), color);
Debug.DrawLine(position, new Vector3(position.x, position.y – size, position.z), color);
Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(position.x, position.y – size, position.z), new Vector3(position.x + size, position.y – size, position.z), color);
Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(position.x + size, position.y – size, position.z), new Vector3(position.x + size, position.y, position.z), color);


Just copy and paste this code and call it with

this.DebugDrawColoredRectangle(Vector3.zero, 1, Color.red);


Thats it. Hope it helps someone to save time.

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